The Center is a 501(c)(3) corporation and all gifts are tax deductible.
Donate now at
THIS time, we do NOT have a leaky roof causing our insurance to be cancelled, the building is NOT scheduled for demolition, or any of the other causes for the moves. THIS time, after the most expensive build-out of all, the lease is up, January 31, 2015, and we are faced with another move.
(Check the options list below.) Anywhere in Palm Beach County
North / South / East / or West county
North / South / East / or West county
Call Jan 24/7 (243) 4330 if you have any ideas, prospects, buildings,
funds, or questions of any kind. Donate at
Call if you are interested in volunteering in any way
2 to 4 hours a week - (561) 243-4330
Office, greeter, mail list, special event planner, computer IT,
performance (we teach you), and much more.
2 to 4 hours a week - (561) 243-4330
Office, greeter, mail list, special event planner, computer IT,
performance (we teach you), and much more.