In 1993 The PUPPETRY ARTS CENTER of the Palm Beaches began as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Corp that uses the art form of puppetry to educate, inspire creativity and imagination, and to enchant.

It has been an honor to be the founding director of such a unique organization. As I have watched the Center grow and expand the offerings it has been thrilling to see.  Thousands of children each year experience live theater, many for the first time, in a magical setting. Then there are the parents that came as children now bringing their children and grandparents bringing grandchildren.

Volunteers have been a core element in the Center’s existence. Several have gone on to become professional puppeteers and puppet makers. Others have been indispensable in the office, gift shop, museum, and theater.

For the first time we were able to expand the museum’s eclectic collection into its own space rather than around the theater and lobby. The Salzburg Marionette from Austria and Charles Shaw Joss’ Mae West marionette were among the favorites.

The performances have expanded to shows of adult interest as well.  These included The Chinese Theater Works from New York, Dragon Art Studio from Portland,, Oregon, and nine foot puppets on a national tour. Then the addition of ‘adults only’ Magic & Comedy nights, featuring magicians and ventriloquists, became very popular.

The puppet gift shop had a variety of puppets with a wide price range of sizes, types, and prices. The puppetry library contained videos, posters, and books for reference, puppet construction, scripts, costumes, and much more.  The Center’s workshops were sought after.

Recently, the Center received from the estate of a professional storyteller, Sally Leyenberger, a great number of costumes, programs, and puppets.   With this acquisition we are considering the addition of a storytelling school.

I came with the experience of a puppeteer for a few years but with very little experience in running a nonprofit.  Every year (Since 1993), the Center’s attendance has been 15,000 to 19,000 from five counties. In addition to the wonderful community members there have been many tourists and visitors from across the US as well as many from other countries.

Final decisions are coming to a critical time.

A FOREVER HOME is needed.  What is the Problem???     Funds ! ! !   Very little left.  

Payments on $250,000 to $300,000 could be made and credit rating is excellent, but there is no down payment available.

The time has come.  Here are the opportunities for you to help make a Forever Home for all in the community.
A whole building - 5,000 sq.ft. with renovations and build-out.                                           $950,000
A whole building – 5,000 sq.ft.                                                                                              $800,000
Down payment on a building –  20% +/-                                                        $160,000   to  $190,000
A Starter house for museum, workshops, store – 3,000 sq.ft                         $200,000   to  $300,000
A Starter house of building – 3,000 sq.ft  20% down payment                $  40,000   to  $ 60,000

Any size gift will help reach the FIRST GOAL for a down payment $50,000

THANK YOU FOR CARING.      Jo Janeen Timmis, Found Director - (561)