Tuesday, November 18, 2014


After more than 20 years as a nonprofit serving schools, camps, child care centers, and families of 5 counties the Center is in a very precarious position.

Time is passing swiftly. Ten weeks and 4 days until we will be out of this facility.
Where to?  Unknown at this time. 

Do you have a building?
Any empty building.
We can make it work.
We have done 6 build out/remodels
including sewer lines, bathrooms, and all new electric.
Can you help us buy a building?

Any place in Palm Beach County.
Minimum 2,900 sq.ft.
Much more would be better.
No Teepees please.

 Do you have an empty lot that you do not want to pay taxes on any longer?  
If we had a lot a steel building would work very well and be very affordable, too.

a bank owned
bargain . . .

 Call Jan anytime . . .
(561) 243-4330

Tax deductible donations appreciated anytime.  www.puppetcenter.org

Or double your donation right now and help complete our "Very Happy Puppet Holidays" project at